Natural Ways to Treat Lichen Planus with Natural Remedies


Natural Remedies for Lichen Planus

Lichen Planus is an inflammatory skin condition which has lost not only patients but as well practitioners similarly. It derives its name from the purplish lichen that grows on trees. Over 1.9 % of the total population is affected by Lichen Planus. Females are more often affected as compared to their male counterparts. You can't catch lichen planus or give it to one more person. Most people can manage typical, mild cases of lichen planus at home, without recommended medical treatment. If lichen planus condition causes pain or significant itching, you may need medication to suppress your immune system. The pain can range from uncomfortable to unbearable. However conventional treatment might include an antibiotic or anti-inflammatory prescription, there are other ways to manage lichen planus. Natural Remedies for Lichen Planus can also help treat the condition and keep the chronic symptoms at bay. There are numerous natural remedies for lichen planus that may well prove effective. The benefit of these natural remedies for lichen planus is that they are safe and unlikely to result in any adverse side effects.

Natural Herbal Remedies for Lichen Planus

Symptoms of lichen planus disease include rankle, irritated rashes, single sore or bunch of sores, hyperpigmentation, painful bumps or ulcers, dry mouth and male hair loss. Various natural remedies for lichen planus can cure the skin disease. Most treatments from the doctor are steroid salves or creams, but there are some herbs and natural herbal remedies for lichen planus you can use to help heal, stop scarring of tissue, and help with the itch of Lichen. Some herbs and natural herbal remedies you can use to help heal, prevent scarring of tissue and help with the itch of Lichen.

Coconut Oil

For lichen planus treatment, coconut pulling two times a day may improve the symptoms and provide relief. The procedure helps to detoxify your mouth by literally sucking out the toxins. Benefits include killing bad breath, decreasing inflammation, soothing a dry mouth and boosting the immune system.


Calendula is herb to have for skin conditions. It is anti-fungal, antibacterial and antiseptic. Its wound healing properties goes to help fight infections.


Lichen planus treatments frequently include oats as a gentle exfoliator and skin soother. As the lesions and blisters transform through the course of the disease, sloughing off the dead skin can get rid of itching and improve the appearance. Mix one part oats to one part raw yogurt and let stand at room temperature for 20 minutes and then mix in a quarter part raw honey.


Ginger works wonder for treating lichen planus. It as well avoids the regular recurrences of the allergy. You can drink ginger tea at least two times a day to heal this condition. You can as well apply fresh ginger juice or massage a fresh slice of ginger on the affected area. Applying ginger moreover removes the scars.

Tea Tree Oil

Lichen Planus Tea Tree Oil contains antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. It can provide relief from lichen planus symptoms of skin and mouth. You can apply tea tree oil and water mixture to the affected area. The combination should be made by adding 5% tea tree oil and 95% water.


Plantain is a superb herb to help stop the itch on skin. Its chemical herbal properties stop the itch of lichen if used on a regular basis.


Turmeric is full with helpful antioxidants. It as well has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, which can help keep symptoms of lichen planus from reoccurring. You can mix turmeric powder with water and apply it to affected areas of the skin' after about 15 minutes rinse it off.

Potato Slices

Did you know that potatoes can work as a natural form of bleach? Potatoes can actually be used to brighten up scars or lighten dark patches of skin, mostly those connected with lichen planus. All you have to do is cut a potato into some slices and dip each one into cold water. Then, slightly massage your skin spots with the potato slice. You can repeat this procedure on a daily basis

Aloe Vera

This miracle plant can do wonders for your health including treating the symptoms of lichen planus. Aloe vera is a known at home remedy for lesions, burns, mouth ulcers and inflammation. The gel can be applied directly to the skin to get help from the symptoms. Don't apply aloe vera more than 3 times in a day. People those who are not comfortable with the treatments can try Lichen Planus Herbal Treatment to improve symptoms and causes.

Basil Leaves

The mitigating and hostile to bacterial properties of basil can treat lichen planus. Crisp basil leaves can be bitten frequently to get compelling outcomes. The juice extricated from basil leaves can be straightforwardly connected on the injuries.

Red Clover

Red clover is used as an anti-inflammatory. It helps heal wounds and has some phyto estrogen effects. This has been shown to aid heal lichen planus.

Cool Compress

Use of washcloth absorbed icy water on the influenced range can give quick help from the tingling sensation. Cool pack made by wrapping a plastic sack containing ice blocks in a towel can be put on the burned skin for 5 to 10 minutes to get the coveted results. It is prudent to apply a skin moisturizer after the treatment.


In addition to Herbal Treatment for Lichen Planus, monitoring your diet and following these clinically verified instructions can help you fight Lichen Planus in a better way:

  • Eat a well-balanced diet with emphasis on raw vegetables and fresh fruits.
  • Avoid spicy foods, caffeinated drinks like coffee and colas, alcohol and smoking.
  • Avoid skin injury as new wounds tend to crop up at places of injury.
  • Along with dietary modifications, stress relieving methods for example yoga and meditation are known to be of help.

Now you know greatest natural remedies for lichen planus. Try to use many natural remedies for lichen planus to increase the overall effect. Focus on boosting your immune to support internal curing. Herbal Care Products are offering PLENICAL, an Herbal Supplements made out of 100% natural ingredients. It is a powerful combination of carefully chosen effective herbs that have no side effects. It is completely natural and free of synthetic chemicals.

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